

Encomium as Justice Esowe bags Fellow Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

  • 1857 Saturday 30th October 2021

The Presiding/Administrative Judge, Lagos Judicial Division of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria, His Lordship, Hon. Justice Maureen Esowe has been admitted as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

The Chattered Institute of Arbitrator is the world’s leading qualification and professional body for dispute avoidance and dispute management. It’s passionate about promoting a harmonious society including helping people and organizations avoid, manage and resolve conflict through a global network of over 17,000 members.

The Institute is a professional organization representing the interests of alternative dispute resolution practitioners. Founded on 1st March 1915, and granted a royal charter by Queen Elizabeth II in 1979. 

In clear affirmation of Hon. Justice Maureen Esowe’s expertise and prowess in the field, the Institute found her worthy after thorough examinations, fulfillment of all requirements of her advanced knowledge, professional approach, understanding of arbitration and its practical application; awarded her ‘Fellow’ of the Institute.

On Friday 1st October 2021, Hon. Justice Maureen Esowe joined over 500 of more than 17000 members in achieving this status.

Hearty Congratulations My Lord, Hon. Justice Maureen Esowe, FCIArb.


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